Early Bird Club

We are tech enthusiasts and early adopters with 3 key goals:

  1. Review the best new tech
  2. Track upcoming products
  3. Find the best deals

You’ll find thousands of members in our tech forums, sharing tips & tricks, offering help, posting product reviews, and more. We originally launched as AndroidForums.com in 2007 and rebranded as EarlyBird.Club in 2023 to better align with our mission.

We hate ads!!! Instead of littering our content with annoying ads, we monetizing our work through affiliate partnerships.

When we discuss and recommend products, they may include affiliate links. When you click on these links and make purchases, we may earn a commision.

Thanks for your trust & support: if you’ve found our content useful, please consider clicking through our links before buying new tech!

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The Best Tech Affiliate Programs

We’re able to make money by partnering with the best affiliate networks for tech affiliate programs. These companies work with popular tech brands to encourage promotion of their products, rewarding sites like Early Bird Club when we send paying customers their way.

The Affiliate Networks we use include:

  • Howl
  • Skimlinks

Although we get paid on qualifying purchases, we DO NOT allow commission structures to cloud our editorial opinion. Our #1 priority is to deliver honest and trustworthy content.

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